- Monday, April 19th
- Scavenger Hunt
- Grades TK-3-- 4:00-4:30
- Grades 4-6--4:35-5:05
- Scavenger Hunt
- Tuesday, April 20th
- Wednesday, April 21st
- All-School Assembly 8:35 AM. Zoom ID: 92567126127
- No Principal’s Coffee
- Dismissal
- 1:10--In Person TK/Kindergarten
- 1:20--In Person 1-3
- 1:30--In Person 4-6 and all distance students
- Thursday, April 22nd
- Friday, April 23rd
- Movie Night Sponsored by Student Council and Santa Barbara International Film Festival
- Under the Same Moon at 6:30 PM. on Zoom
- Movie Night Sponsored by Student Council and Santa Barbara International Film Festival
Scavenger Hunt
Student Council will be holding its first night event tonight on Zoom. Two different times for two different grade bands. Please share the link with your child. Student accounts are required.
Zoom ID 2373604202
Crisis Go
Please answer all the questions in the CrisisGo morning email. This will ensure your student gets to class on time.
Please remember to wear a mask when visiting the campus. We want to keep everyone safe and healthy.
Free-Breakfast and Lunch
Roosevelt serves free breakfast and lunch for all students. If your student forgets their lunch, one will be provided for them.
Get your hair cut! Find your best outfit! School pictures will be April 29th. Both our distance and in-person students will have the opportunity to take a picture. Distance students will have the opportunity to visit campus from 7:30-8:30 AM and 1:00-3:00. Insert flier here.
Special Thanks to Santa Barbara Education Foundation
Santa Barbara Education Foundation donated over two hundred jackets to our community. We appreciate the warm and cozy jackets to keep us warm while learning.