Cultural Arts & Family Nights

Family Nights

Roosevelt Family Nights are free REEF sponsored events scheduled throughout the school year. From Mission Rose Garden picnics to Movie Nights on campus, these fun-filled evenings are designed to celebrate community and family. There’s nothing to buy – just show up and enjoy! Family Night dates and times will be communicated through ParentSquare.

Cultural Arts Assemblies

The Roosevelt Elementary Education Foundation (REEF) brings high-caliber cultural arts experiences and performances to campus throughout the year. Assemblies cover a variety of genres and are inspirational, celebratory, informative and just plain fun!

Previous Cultural Arts Assemblies

UCSB Dance Company - Performances in a Variety of Dance Styles

Michael Katz - Storyteller

Drum Perks - Drumming Performance with Audience Participation

Billy Dudes- Anti Bullying Mime/Theatre Group

Boxtales Theatre- Myths and Storytelling performances

Cascada de Flores- Music, Storytelling and Dance