Attendance Policy

Roosevelt Elementary School strives to make school an exciting and enriching experience; however, we know sometimes students will need to be absent from school. Some school absences are considered excused. These are verified by a call or note to the office (written, email, or ParentSquare). Valid excuses include illness; quarantine; medical, dental, optometrical, or chiropractic appointment; attending the funeral of an immediate family member; religious holiday (if pre-approved); religious retreat attendance (if pre-approved); employment conference attendance; or court appearance. (SBUSD: AR 5113)

Truancies are absences that do not have a valid excuse. Even if a parent calls or sends a note to the office to verify their child’s absence, that absence is still considered a truancy because it was not for an excused reason.

If a child accrues more than 12 unexcused absences, parents or guardians will be required to attend a School Attendance Review Board (SARB) meeting. SARB is a legal entity, designed by the Legislature and has the power to refer chronic truant cases to the District Attorney’s Office for possible prosecution, of which fines anywhere between $100- $2,000 may be imposed.  Roosevelt Elementary School’s goal is to help your student come to school each day.  If your student is struggling with attendance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to your child’s teacher for support or ideas to promote positive attendance.