
Curriculum and Standards

All classroom instructional materials utilized at Roosevelt support those rigorous standards. Instructional materials in Math, Language Arts, Science and Social Studies are adopted and approved by the Santa Barbara School District Board of Directors and are  renewed and updated according to the California Department of Education (CDE). The content standards at each grade level are available for viewing at: http://www.cde.ca.gov/

Differentiated Instruction and Flexible Grouping 

Our staff works hard to meet the needs of individual students, within the whole group context of teaching and learning in a heterogeneous classroom. This is accomplished via differentiated instruction within classrooms and flexible grouping across grade levels in Grades 3-6.

Curriculum Specialists

We have four dedicated Curriculum Specialist to assist the teachers and provide more individualized instruction to students. Curriculum Specialists are typically accredited teaching professionals that assist 20 hours per week during the school year. This helps lower the overalls student-to-teacher ratio, and provides extra support for in-class enrichment.

Reading Intervention Program

Additional support for groups of learners and individuals beyond the classroom setting, such as English language learners, is available through the use of instructional aides and teacher tutors. Our instructional program is supported by a model Reading Intervention Program to assist at-risk readers.

Professional Development

Staff are also continually involved in professional development opportunities and collaboration. Our staff is currently involved in professional development in the areas of Science, English Language acquisition, and writing. We have two teacher leaders involved in a multi-district initiative and in collaboration with UCSB called Science Matters. This year will also see the introduction of newly adopted science program.


Roosevelt School has a rich tradition of providing enrichment activities and programs in art, music, and technology, library, field trips and extended outdoor education.

More Information 

For more information on the instructional offerings at your child’s grade level, please contact your child’s teacher, view the online calendar for upcoming events and check your child’s take-home Thursday folder.