Gifted And Talented Education (GATE)
Differentiated Instruction
Differentiated instruction throughout the school day provides opportunities for learning that match the unique needs of all students in Kindergarten through 6th grade.
GATE Program at Roosevelt
Roosevelt School offers a specially-designed GATE cluster model in Grades 3 through 6 for students identified as intellectually gifted.
Identifying GATE Students
Students who participate in the GATE cluster are identified through the Santa Barbara’s School Districts GATE identification process.
GATE Clustering Model in Grades 3 through 6
Identified GATE students in Grades 3 through 6 are regrouped (or clustered together) within the grade level for part of the instructional day in Language Arts and Mathematics.These students follow a specially-designed standards based instructional program that is defined by curriculum compacting, acceleration and enrichment in core subjects.
Students are clustered for approximately 140 minutes or more each day as determined by the teachers at each grade level. Clustering for specified times and for specially-designed instruction provides additional learning opportunities that encourage the development of higher level thinking skills. It also allows time for intellectual and social interaction with peers of similar interests and at similar levels of academic achievement.
Academically Talented Students and Ongoing GATE Assessment
Students in grades 3-6 who are academically talented but not identified as intellectually gifted can be included in the GATE cluster. In the beginning of the year, throughout the year and as classroom space permits, students can be considered for inclusion in the re-grouping for instruction in the GATE cluster in Language Arts and/or Mathematics. Teachers review standardized testing, grade level assessments and the ongoing academic performance of students to determine if a student not identified as gifted but who is performing beyond grade level expectations can benefit from inclusion in the GATE cluster.